Doctorant (Grenoble INP - UGA)
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Équipe Géomécanique, Doctorants / Post doc
Travaux Pratiques de "Soil and Rock mechanics", Master Hydraulics, Civil and Environmental Engineering (HCEE), Hiver 2024
Komodromos M., Gorji M., Düster A., Grabe J.. 2023. Investigation of the load sustaining micro mechanisms of cemented
sand using mesocale FEM approach. Computers and Geotechnics, 162, 105656, DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105656
Gorji M., Komodromos M., Grabe J., Düster A.. 2024. Geometry smoothing and local enrichment of the finite cell method with
application to cemented sand. Computational Mechanics, DOI: 10.1007/s00466-024-02512-1
Komodromos M., Gorji M., Düster A., Grabe J.. 2024. Implementation of linear strain elements for image-based Finite Element
Analysis of cemented natural sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 174, 106606, DOI: 10.1016/10.1016/j.compgeo.2024.10660
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