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Emmanuel Roubin


Le 5 avril 2019

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Critical probability of percolation over bounded region in N-dimensional Euclidean space

Following H. Tomita and C. Murakami we propose an analytical model to predict critical probability of percolation. It is based on the excursion set theory which allows us to consider N-dimensional bounded regions. Details are given for the 3D case and statistically Representative Volume Elements are calculated. Finally generalisation to the N-dimensional case is made.

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Le 5 avril 2019
Complément date

à 12h10


Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Complément lieu

Bâtiment Galilée 003


Emmanuel Roubin

emmanuel.roubin [at]


Publié le 5 avril 2019

Mis à jour le 20 novembre 2019