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Thibaut Divoux


Thibaut Divoux

Du 10 juin 2024 au 14 juin 2024

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Unveiling Hydrophobic-Driven Gelation: Exploring the case of Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) Hydrogels.

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Maria Cascão Ferreira de Almeida

Du 10 juin 2024 au 14 juin 2024

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Offshore geotechnical solutions: from centrifuge modeling to applications for wind farms foundations.

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The conformational phase diagram of charged polymers in the presence of attractive bridging crowders


Kamal Tripathi

Le 2 février 2024

The conformational phase diagram of charged polymers in the presence of attractive bridging crowders

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Maxime Vassaux

Le 19 janvier 2024

Probing mechanical properties of (bio)polymers with chemical specificity using molecular and multiscale simulation

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Zhang Aoxi

Le 8 décembre 2023

Investigation into the mechanical behaviour of bio-cemented sands using the discrete element method

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Zhang Pin

Le 4 mai 2023

Data-Driven Modelling for Discovery and Solution of Partial Differential Equations

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Jean Lerbet

Le 27 avril 2023

Sur l’écriture intrinsèque des lois de comportements des milieux discrets

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Yosuke Higo

Le 3 novembre 2022

Morphological transitions of pore water during triaxial compression in unsaturated soil

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Alessandro Tarantino

Le 15 décembre 2021

Clay micromechanics: what we know and what we don’t about clay particle electro-chemical-mechanical interactions

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Ryan Hurley

Le 29 avril 2021

Quantifying the Causes of Local Rearrangements in 3D Granular Media Using Machine Learning

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Ryan Hurley

Le 28 avril 2021

Quantifying the Causes of Local Rearrangements in 3D Granular Media Using Machine Learning

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Edward Andò

Le 17 décembre 2020

Goodbye tomography: positioning monodisperse spheres in 3D with a single radiography and divergent beam

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Chaofa Zhao

Le 7 décembre 2020

Capillarity in wet granular materials under volume and suction control: from micro-scale to macro-scale behaviour

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Ryan Hurley

Le 22 janvier 2020

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Experimental Micromechanics of Geologic Materials with X-ray Diffraction and Tomography

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Emmanuel Roubin

Le 5 avril 2019

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Critical probability of percolation over bounded region in N-dimensional Euclidean space

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Fabio Gabrieli and Antonio Pol

Le 15 novembre 2018

Fabio Gabrieli (assistant professor) and Antonio Pol (PhD student) from the University of Padova, (ICEA dept.) are visiting us for a couple of days mid November.

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Robert Caulk

Le 8 novembre 2018

Robert has a M.Sc in Civil Engineering from the University of Vermont where he worked as a NASA fellow evaluating key geomechanical aspects of deep and shallow geothermal energy. He is now working as a Chateaubriand Fellow at Laboratoire 3SR where he is focused on using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to gain insights into the rock mechanics associated with coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical processes.

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Pr. Patrick Paultre

Le 22 octobre 2018

Dans le cadre des séminaires RISK, le Professeur Patrick Paultre de l'Université de Sherbrooke (Canada), titulaire de la Chaire Canadienne en Ingénierie Sismique, lauréat du Prix Armand-Frappier 2015, donnera un séminaire sur la résilience des acteurs locaux à Haïti après le tremblement de terre de 2010. Pr. Paultre recevra par ailleurs dans quelques mois le Doctorat Honoris Causa de l'Université Grenoble Alpes.

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Responsables des séminaires :

  • (subject: S%C3%A9minaires%203SR%20-%20Site%20Web) (Mehdi Bouzid)
  • (subject: S%C3%A9minaire%203SR%20-%20Site%20Web) (Emmanuel Roubin)

Pour rajouter un évènement veuillez contacter: (subject: Ev%C3%A8nement%203SR%20%C3%A0%20rajouter) (Mireille Pfister)

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Publié le 13 novembre 2018

Mis à jour le 2 février 2024