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Bâtiment Galilée

The 3SR Laboratory is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 5521) associating UGA (the University of Grenoble Alpes), CNRS (the national center for science) and Grenoble INP (the group of graduate engineering schools). The premises are located on the Saint Martin d'Hères campus, in two buildings, Galilée for the offices and Eiffel for the experimental facilities. The laboratory has a staff of 120 members conducting cutting-edge research in solid mechanics, materials and strucutres for civil engineering, environment, transport, defense and health.

In all these areas, research is based on both experimentation and modelling, both at the material and structural scales. Experimental studies are conducted to understand, analyse and develop theoretical and numerical models by taking into account physical-mechanical couplings and multi-scale analyses.
The laboratory is structured into three research teams: CoMHet (Mechanics and Multiphysical Couplings of Heterogeneous Media), GeoMechanics (Mechanics of Geomaterials and Geotechnical Structures), and RV (Risks, Vulnerability of Structures and Mechanical Behaviour of Materials). It also hosts the Tomograph Unit, leading activities around the X-ray microtomograph, which is the imaging tool common to the entire laboratory and which constitutes a platform that is largely open to the outside world. Finally, it includes an Administrative Team and an Information Technology department as well as a Technical Unit.

The laboratory is managed by several entities, involved in its scientific mission and/or day-to-day operations :

  • Head of the lab : director, deputy director and administrative manager,
  • Management Committee : director, deputy director and research team leaders,
  • Laboratory Council : elected and appointed members of the laboratory, head of the lab
  • Scientific Council : elected and appointed members of the laboratory, external members and head of the lab
  • Mission managers : members appointed to deal with specific issues relating to buildings, scientific activities, social and environmental responsibility, and the social life of 3SR.


Mireille Pfister (contact[at]3sr-grenoble[dot]fr)
Tél. :+33 (0)4 76 82 51 46

Bâtiment Galilée, bureau 106
Laboratoire 3SR
Domaine Universitaire
38041 Grenoble Cedex 9

Acces map

Submitted on February 1, 2024

Updated on February 1, 2024