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Enseignant-Chercheur (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Équipe RV, Permanents

Profile picture for user sieffery

Contact details

Building : Galilée (EDD)

Office : 302

Tel. : 0476827014

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Réseaux sociaux

M2 GC : Conception collaborative et réemploi : ateliers intensif interdisciplinaire entre étudiants architectes et étudiants en Génie Civil

Co-organisateur de 15 ateliers intensifs en matériaux de réemploi en collaboration avec l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille (2008 centre historique de Liège, 2010-2012 à la friche la Belle de Mai à Marseille, 2013-2015 à Barjols, 2016-2018 à Correns, 2019 à Bio-Vallée, 2020-2023 à Grenoble.

M2 : Construction en matériaux bio-sourcés

M1 et L3 : Béton Armé (EC2) -> auteur de l'ouvrage le Béton Armé selon l'EC2 (Dunod)

Responsable du parcours Génie Civil et Architecture depuis 2021 (co-porté par G-INP, l'ENSAG et l'UGA)



Dernières publications :

1. Rouphael, D., Vieux-Champagne, F., Sieffert, Y., Malecot, Y., Shear behavior of rein-
forced concrete beams with wire rope shear reinforcement, Materials & Structures, 2023, vol.56 :112, DOI :
2. Yadav, S., Sieffert, Y., Vieux-Champagne, F., Malecot, Y., Hajmirbaba, M., Arléo,
L., Crété, E., Garnier, P., Shake table tests on 1 :2 reduced scale masonry house with the application of
horizontal seismic bands, Engineering & Structures, 2023, vol.283, DOI : 10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.115897
3. Yadav, S., Sieffert, Y., Vieux-Champagne, F., Debove, L., Decret, D., Malecot, Y.,
Garnier, P., Optimization of the Use Time of a Shake Table with Specimen Preparation outside the Table
Surface, Buldings, 2022, vol.12, 319, DOI : 10.3390/buildings12030319
4. Damerji, H., Yadav, S., Sieffert, Y., Debove, L., Vieux-Champagne, F., Malecot, Y.,
Design of a Shake Table with Moderate Cost, Experimental Techniques, 2021, DOI : 10.1007/s40799-021-
5. Yadav, S., Damerji, H., Keco, R., Sieffert, Y., Crété, E., Vieux-Champagne, F., Garnier,
P., Malecot, Y., Effects of horizontal seismic band on seismic response in masonry structure : Application
of DIC technique, Progress in Disaster Science, 2021, vol.10, DOI : 10.1016/j.pdisas.2021.100149
6. Colyvas, G., Malecot, Y., Sieffert, Y., Aboudha, S., Kanali, C. Behavior of Reinforced
Concrete Beams using Wire Rope as Internal Shear Reinforcement, engineering technology & applied science
research, 2020, vol.10(4), pp 5940-5946, DOI : 10.48084/etasr.3496
7. Yadav, S., Sieffert, Y., Crete, E., Vieux-Champagne, F., Garnier, P. : Mechanical beha-
viour of different type of shear band connections being used in reconstruction housing in Nepal, Construction
and Building Materials, vol.174, 2018, pp 701-712, DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.04.121
8. Khoder, N., Grange, S., Sieffert, Y. : Enhancement of a two-dimensional multifibre
beam element in the case of reinforced concrete structures for taking into account the lateral confine-
ment of concrete due to stirrups, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2018, DOI :
9. Fritsch, E., Sieffert, Y., Algusab, H., Grange, S., Daudeville, L. : Numerical analysis
on seismic resistance of a two-story timber-framed structure with stone and earth infill, International Journal
of Architectural Heritage, 2018, 1-21, DOI : 10.1080/15583058.2018.1479804
10. Vieux-Champagne, F., Sieffert, Y., Grange, S., Belinga Nko’o, C., Bertrand, E., Duc-
cini, J-C., Faye, C., Daudeville, L. : Experimental analysis of a shake table test of timber-framed structures
with stones and earth infill, Earthquake Spectra, vol. 33(3), 2017, pp 1075-1100, DOI : 10.1193/010516EQS002M

Submitted on February 9, 2024

Updated on February 27, 2024